

 I can't believe Christmas is Already over. It went way to fast. Titus Loved his first Christmas... every time we gave him a new toy he would smile and look at us with the look of "Is this mine?" Here are a few pictures.

 Our Awesome Gingerbread house! we had fun decorating it.
 Check out that Christmas tree..
 For the Ivory Family Christmas Party we didn't have any snow to going sledding so we Shot Guns in Stead. Grandpa- Great was showing Mike some pretty sweet guns.
 Showing off his skills.
 Titus enjoyed eating rocks while we shot guns. Silly Kid.
 At least he shares.
 I just love this kid.
Showing off my Mad Skills. To bad i only got the first two and missed the rest.

 Titus Loves his Grandpa Ivory.
 Showing off Grandpa Ivory's cool Hat.
 Once again he wasn't a fan of Santa.
 Then he started to warm up a little.
 Then he saw mom and got kind of freaked out that this weird guy was holding him.
 everyone has to see santa ... even the moms.
 And the dads. Santa asked mike for stuff for Christmas.
 Titus started getting hungry and was eating mike.
 His first present of the season.
 Jammies for Christmas Eve.
 The grand kids that were here for Christmas, we missed the other 5... maybe next time
 The boys that were there. These two are going to need to stick together.
 Santa Made a visit to titus. He loved it.. he couldn't believe that all this stuff was for him.
The first thing the went for was of course the ball.
Now that Titus is 11 Months old here are some fun facts about him.
* He has started to say more words.. 
Ba = Ball
Daw= Dog
Tee= Tree
Mama= Mom or MOM!
Dada= Dad
Bo= Book
Voom= Car
* he can Do some Baby Signs (thank goodness)
More, Please, Milk, Bye & Hello, & kisses
* This kid has the Biggest heart. He will walk up and give me hugs or kisses (it's the best)
*He LOVES his Grandpas. (& grandmas)
*He is now walking around with a bottle in hand.
*Titus Likes to Kick, Throw or bounce a ball.
*He will bring us books to read to him.
*He will bring us things when we ask him too.
*If you have food he is your best friend
* He LOVES any electronic device. He is going to be a tech Genius by the time he is two.
* He likes to share but only for a little while. 
* He knows that a dog says Woof. 
*He isn't afraid of dogs as much anymore.
* He can get off furniture backwards.
*He has gotten 2 fat lips in four days and was a champ during both of them.
*He loves the Vacuum
* He likes the stairs & can go up but hasn't quite grasped the concept of going down.
*He will close the dishwasher and fridge for you.
*He will play the piano.
*He Stomps his feet to dance.

New year post coming soon.

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