
Our Little Man is 1 Month old.

How fast time flies... (this post is a little late)
Being a mom is AWESOME! I love watching this little guy grow but sad that it is happening so fast.
This is Titus at 2 days old.
& here he is at 1 month...

 He is getting so big that he can sit on the couch now.. and is getting Chunky...

we already have him watching tv...

 Sometimes he can be so serious
 Other times he can be so silly
 He likes to help mom with Laundry

 He loves to sleep on mommy and Daddy.

 He is so handsome for church.

 Doesn't he look like his Dad
 Mike is the one being held by his dad.
Mike is on the Left.
 He likes Word Girl

 He loves his mommy can't you tell.
Don't you just love those eyes and that little smile.


Mormishmom @ Funky PolkaDot Giraffe said...

Oh he is so sweet! I can't wait to snuggle him.

T-Fam said...

He does look a little like Mike, but I still see you in him. I think you should come to Florida so I can hold him while he is still small.

dancin' momma said...

We LOVE that little man!